Friday, May 21, 2010

How To Make Money With Penny Stocks – Pre IPO Investing – How To Invest In Penny Stocks

The internet and boiler-room stock promoters are constantly selling unsophisticated investors the dream of Penny Stock Elixirs and Alchemical shortcuts to Wealth. They ask you to make a few sacrifices here and there and in the end your dreams of massive liquidity, a butler pockets loaded with cash will come true.

The science of charlatanism and gaining a cult-like following has been a business in and of its self since the beginning of time. Followers of a cult and it’s figure head are blindly loyal and will recruit other members with unbridled enthusiasm and the group leader just sits there as the recipient of the profits initially promised to the followers.

Use the followers until they burn out and move on to the next flock of sheep.
The above is the mentality of the penny stock solicitor so approach investment with eyes, ears and mind wide open with your critical faculty cranked on high. The good news is there is some truth to what the charlatans preach.

There can be gargantuan profits made in placing capital in OTCBB stock and NASDAQ and NYSE penny stock but you have to look at the whole picture. Things you should look at are (at a minimum): ‘C’ level executives and their professional pedigree, industry genre an company’s position within that market, strategic alliances, investor relations strategy to create the market and streamline promotion of stock, potential acquisitions and mergers, product and service globalization potential, web presence, ease of gathering company information and so on.

You shouldn’t day trade penny stock, contrary to what the Saturday morning infomercials tell you, you’ll almost always get burned. Instead, penny stock should be bought as early as possible. Pre public seed capital (pre IPO) investing is the best way to go if you are interested in getting involved with this type of investment.

It is not uncommon to have the opportunity to buy shares at as little as .10 cents with a public offering price estimated at .50 cents to $1.00+. this is where the real money is made. You can typically buy a combination of restricted and non restricted shares, just make sure that there is a selling shareholder offering in place and that your name is going directly on the S1 and you’ll typically be able to sell some of your shares right when the company goes public while retaining the balance of your shares for 6 to 12 months while the company builds traction in the market place.

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