Monday, June 14, 2010

Dont Miss DTRO!!

Make sure you have DTRO on your watch list. This one may see a breakout due to a Grass Roots Research that report came out on the company on Friday after the market close. This means the market hasn't had time to react to the report!!

Grass Roots Research and Distribution Inc. put out a "Buy" recommendation and a $.62 long term price target on DTRO.

The full press release can be read here:

I don't know if this target will ever hit but if it does, the gains would easily be over 1,400% from the current price levels!!

DTRO hasn't traded much in the past because no one knows about the company yet, since there's been no big rally yet, this one will be one to watch very closely.

The effects of the oil spill in the Gulf is going to leave the affected area devastated for years.

To prevent these types of disasters from happening again more stringent regulations and equipment will have to be utilized.

I have no doubt in my mind, that all the current underwater rigs will have to re-inspected and possibly retrofitted to make safer.

What DTRO is developing will allow some of these operations to take place.

Wholly owned subsidiary Blu Vu is a developer of proprietary closed circuit rebreather technology and components that go beyond conventional scuba systems to enable commercial and recreational divers to go deeper, stay underwater longer and recover faster.

Right now most of the underway inspections are done with robots because divers can't go or stay that deep with the current equipment on the market.

DTRO's rebreather technology could be a highly sought after technology that can be applied to many industries.

Let me explain how it works...

Normal” scuba is an open circuit system. Combining a high-pressure cylinder and a demand regulator, you inhale gas at ambient pressure, use a little of the oxygen in the gas, and exhale. When you exhale the gas, it bubbles to the surface, carrying as much as 98% of the original oxygen it contained. The “open circuit” comes from the fact that the exhaled gas is released on every breath.

A Rebreather recirculates the gas a diver is breathing, allowing the diver to breath the same gas over and over again.

The system removes the carbon dioxide generated by human metabolism, and adds oxygen and other gases to make up what is consumed. Because the gas is breathed over and over again, instead of being “thrown away” with every breath, a diver can remain underwater far longer on much less gas.

In fact, for some dives, rebreathers can be as much as fifty times more efficient on gas consumption than standard scuba. More info can be found at:

DTRO has another Wholly owned subsidiary, Elasco is a proven innovator in product manufacturing with a 30-year operating history, diverse customer base and vertically integrated manufacturing facility in Garden Grove, California. More about this can be ready at:

On April 10, 2010 - 29 coal miners killed in the devastating explosion at Upper Big Branch mine. It was the worst U.S. coal mining disaster since 1970, when an explosion killed 38 in Hyden, Ky.

Recent mining disasters, such as those occurring in Tallmansville, West Virginia (January 2006) and Quecreek Mine, Pennsylvania (2002) have focused attention on mine safety.

This attention has resulted in safety reviews by state mining boards, senate hearings, and new legislation. One of the generally recognized shortcomings in mine safety is lack of adequate individual life support apparatus. Blu Vu, with it’s patented technology, can provide solutions to both of these needs.

Always do your own research and consult with your own financial professional. Start here;

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